For the mother/daughter real estate team of Sue DiMaggio Adams & Kathie DiMaggio Stein, it’s important to stay connected with the things that matter most in life. They are a multi-generational combination who caters to the needs of Rossmoor residents and their families. They are dedicated to building lasting connections and working together to achieve exceptional results.
— Sue DiMaggio Adams
Kathie DiMaggio Stein

Looking to Make a Move into Rossmoor, Walnut Creek CA Real Estate Market in the Next Six Months?

Request to be contacted by Sue DiMaggio Adams & Kathie DiMaggio Stein for a no-obligation free consultation regarding Rossmoor, Walnut Creek CA real estate.

Home sellers and buyers can never start too early to prepare for a move in the Rossmoor real estate market. Sue & Kathie can provide a wealth of information to help you make a great move down the road. Simply fill out this form, and they will promptly contact you to set up an appointment to discuss your upcoming home sale or purchase in the Rossmoor real estate market.

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