For the mother/daughter real estate team of Sue DiMaggio Adams & Kathie DiMaggio Stein, it’s important to stay connected with the things that matter most in life. They are a multi-generational combination who caters to the needs of Rossmoor residents and their families. They are dedicated to building lasting connections and working together to achieve exceptional results.
— Sue DiMaggio Adams
Kathie DiMaggio Stein

What is happening in and around Rossmoor, Walnut Creek CA.

Sue DiMaggio Adams and Kathie DiMaggio Stein.
We are your featured community resource for Rossmoor, Walnut Creek CA.

Here you will find some information about the community of Rossmoor. With over 9,000 residents, 118 different models and 18 different Mutuals (HOA’s), there is always a lot going on. If you would like more detailed information about a specific club, activity or organization, simply call or email Sue & Kathie and they will provide you with the information you are looking for. Please contact Sue & Kathie today with any of your Rossmoor inquiries and real estate questions.